
Feb. 16 Pre-School Story Time

Grand Ledge Area District Library
Pre-School Story Time
(power-hour story time)
Tues, Feb. 16 at 11am

Children ages 3-6, and their accompanying parent or caregiver, will be treated to stories and a variety of literacy enhancing activities that pair with the weekly theme.  
Due to upcoming renovations scheduled for GLADL Main, this program will be held at the GLCity Hall, 310 Greenwood St.  Registration is not required, simply drop-in and enjoy

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Ledge Craft Lane
Artists of the Month
As many of you know, Ledge Craft Lane has offered painting classes to the public for years.  These classes are for beginning to advanced painters.
We are so very proud to announce that the students from the classes of Carol Emerson and Kerri Goodman are our Artists of the Month for February!  What a beautiful, colorful and varied exhibit it is.  See if you know any of these artists whose names are listed below.
From Carol Emerson’s classes we have:  Jackie Householder, Pat Bednarz, Joan Van Auken, Kathy Ockert, Melanie Roberts, Deris Southworth, Cindy Livingston, Pearl Brooks, Kay Sorrel, Marilyn O’Neil, Chris Cypher and Barb Clyde.
And from Kerri Goodman’s classes: Rosie Feldpausch, Bernie Schafer, Ann Richardson, Ann Stump, Joe Kuhnmuech, Lorie Cole, Mary Murphy, Mary BanCroft, Carol Wyman, Eunice Tiedt, Janet Schultz, Jakey Yeager, Herman Gay, Janis Gay, Jackie Johnson, Dee Farhat, Iva Hopkins, Jolene Price, Yvonne Warriner, Mary Liechthy, Jerry Keller, Marge Simon, Sally McCoy, Ruth Heckman, Elaine Zink, Doreen Schafer, Bev Spencer, Pat Huhn, Judy Debolt, Sandy Walliczek and Mari Bolt.
Their work will be on display for the month of February.  Stop in to Ledge Craft Lane at 120 S. Bridge Street, Grand Ledge, MI from 10am to 5pm Wednesdays through Saturdays to see the joys and wonders of this world through the eyes of these artists.

Feb. 16 Movie Tuesdays at the Library

Join us for
Tues, Feb. 16 *new date
GL Library

131 E. Jefferson

Family friendly movies at the library.  We'll supply the popcorn, you BYOF (bring your own food).

February's movie
Happy Feet - rated PG 

Feb. 21 The ​13th Annual Bridal Show at The Opera House


Feb. 28 Concert - Jackalope Band




Most small business owners are unaware of what a cyber attack could cost them, or how to protect their business. This timely discussion includes the most common areas for concern and action.

2016 FEB/MARCH Festivals
    March 11 & 12,  2016
    St. Patrick's Day Celebration

Friday:  Join us at the Opera House beginning at 6:00pm for Irish entertainment, including: Glen Erin Pipe and Drum band, Irish Dancers and various live musical acts both domestic and imported. $5 admission. Food and beverages for sale.
Saturday:  Free Kids Movie at Sun Theatre at 12pm.
Saturday:  Parade downtown at 2:00pm (bagpipers, floats, free candy) followed by an afternoon and evening at the Opera House with the Goodrich bagpipe and drum band, Irish dancing, various live musical acts. Free admission. Open seating. Food and beverages for sale.
Irish Stew cook-off at the American Legion hall from 11:00am-4:00pm  Join the downtown pub crawl throughout the day and evening featuring various specials at your favorite restaurants & taverns
Shuttle rides every 20 mins throughout the downtown area. 
Jim Hogan 517-627-8360  www.glstpats.org 

SIGN UP NOW! Green Break - Spring Break Camp for Kids

E-News is a Chamber Member Benefit - 02/15/2016