Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce
Crisp and colorful...
Grand Adventure Race
September 25, 2016
Paddle, Bike, and Run! This modified triathlon begins and ends at Jaycee Park in downtown Grand Ledge with a 2 mile kayak loop on the Grand River with a view of the majestic sandstone Ledges, transitioning to a 11.5 mile road bike race, and finishing with a 5K run. Proceeds go towards Grand Ledge Park improvements.
Visit their FACEBOOK page for more info!
36th Annual Color Cruise & Island Festival
October 14, 15 & 16 2016 10am - 5pm
Started in 1980, this 3-day festival is always the second full weekend in October at the Island Park in downtown Grand Ledge (just off S. Bridge St. on River St.). See the beautiful autumn colors by riverboat, canoe, horse & wagon, bicycle or air. This event is filled with fun for the whole family and includes cider pressing, blacksmithing, fur traders, pioneer crafts, candle dipping, pumpkin painting, music, food, and a petting zoo. Downtown will host a CAR SHOW from 10am-3pm on Saturday only. Shuttle service available from JC Park and the parking area off River St. Friday is "Seniors Day" with discounts available. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
Michigan Princess Riverboat info: 517-626-8008
CRAFTERS / VENDORS contact Karla Chamberlain at 517-627-2154
Airplane rides $20 per person - first come first served at the Airport (517-627-9557).