Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs
On July 21, 2020, the Board of Directors approved a motion to develop and implement a plan to create diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) awareness programs for the board, our members, and the community.
Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability, or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs. (Ferris State University website)
Equity is defined as the state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair. The concept of equity is synonymous with fairness and justice. It is helpful to think of equity as not simply a desired situation or a lofty value. To be achieved and sustained, equity needs to be thought of as a structural and systemic concept.
Inclusion is the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. More than simply diversity and numerical representation, inclusion involves authentic and empowered participation and a true sense of belonging.
The Chamber will create and track the following programs, organized by the audience they impact.
The GLACC Board of Directors
Our Members
The Community (non-member organizations and the residents)
© 2025 Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce.
Website by Seven Islands Web.